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Karan Navgire
There is something that differentiates Karan from his fellows. While the rest of them have been with the same school since grade 1, he has only been here for a few months. This allows him to see things in a new light.
Digital Learning
Gyaneshwar Supe
If we behave kindly, we will receive kindness. “Staying connected with people always helps; we may be in any situation but we can be assured we will get help”
Digital Learning
Dhanraj is inspired by the way Pune in Maharashtra, Western India, is coming up as a software engineering hub. He hopes someday he can see himself in the budding lot of promising IT engineers in India.
Digital Learning
When Kiran was born, her parents decided to leave their hometown and move to a bigger city. A fruitful decision, since their daughter is happier spending all her time at school than at home.
Digital Learning