“When I am at school, I don’t feel like going home. School keeps me engaged in a way that I like. Home feels boring sometimes, compared to that,” she shares with a smile adding, “Technology makes me curious. I find diagrams very interesting. Science books are my favourite. When our teachers teach us something new, we feel so drawn to it.”
With the help of her interactions in the STEM lab, Kiran has learnt to make a solar eclipse science model along with her project partner. Practical learning is what continues to feast her curiosity about the unknown.
She states, “In class, during our eLearning program, we have learnt about microscopes, point source and extended source, different types of shadows. All these topics may not have been very clear if we were studying from only books. Even though diagrams help, with eLearning, we can see real pictures and videos which help us in understanding concepts better.”