Ajay Ramkishan Kamble

A microscope can be a thing of wonder, especially if there is a world of its own on the other side. Nobody knows this better than 13-year-old Ajay who is forever fascinated by its fragility and intelligence. 

Childhood is a great time to see the world with an unfiltered eye. Interestingly, this is also the age when one is eager to grow up and put on as many filters as accessible. Right kind of introductions and lessons are important to enable growth at a mindful pace. 

A microscope for a science technician in a lab may be a utility or a device, but for a young child full of curiosity, it can be a world of absolute magic. In grade 6, Ajay, a student in the  ILF - Improving Education program, found access to a microscope for the first time in his life. It was absorbing for him, how things that appear non-existent, could suddenly be visible through a mere lens. He shares, “My favourite thing to do in the STEM lab is looking through the microscope. We have just one and it is a very delicate and fragile object, I always try to hold it carefully.”

Hailing from a humble family, a very enthusiastic Ajay continues, “I always wonder what it is made of and if I can have one of my own. I have often googled how to make a microscope but I cannot get all the parts to make it.”

Stepping into the world of science was not always Ajay’s favourite thing to do. “During earlier grades I was really into English language as a subject but that changed once our school opened a STEM lab and introduced digital learning tools. I am always excited to learn how things are made, what they do, and why they appear a certain way. I feel science is a combination of all important subjects like Maths and English.” 

For Ajay, digital learning has proved to be an empowering tool. It has not only brought his mindful attention to difficult lessons but also enabled him to ask questions and channelise his curiosity. 

“I’d like to study in the field of medicine. There are so many organisms that can only be seen through a microscope and can harm human bodies. The idea of studying more about this excites me.”

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Leveraging our expertise and position to drive change in underserved communities

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Leveraging our expertise and position to drive change in underserved communities

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Leveraging our expertise and position to drive change in underserved communities

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